Left to right: John Huber, Sales Manager of Accounts;
Ray Grover, Director of Supplier Relations; Gregory Gill,
Retired CFO; artist, Petya Ivanova; and John Moriarty,
January 2013, Nutrients PLUS celebrated its 10th year by commissioning renowned artist Petya Ivanova to capture The Clarus Story- the philosophy behind its brand of fertilizer. Later, at a customer event in December, president John Moriarty seen here with Ivanova, accepts her work on behalf of customers who later receivedthese as gifts. For their long standing support and loyalty. Mr. Moriarty expressed his company’s gratitude to them stated “Nutrients PLUS believestoday’s difficulty in cleaning our waters and preserving this vital natural resource continues to be mired with ongoing debates dominated by competing views.” He then expressed “tremendous faith” adding, “with each passing day, more regulation and confusion appear in the market. Chaos mildly characterizes the stage.And that’s the perfect set for our solution. Clarus is the choice fertilizer for clean water, the brand’s straight talk slogan, and you are the reason for it.”The various parties in attendance such as vendors and local business leaders, also learned more about coming developments such as the acceptance for aregulatory designation, “enhanced efficiency.” The significance was described as a compliance break-through as were ongoing company studies related to algae as a fertilizer and biochar- a unique fertilizer material resulting from a biomass-to-energy process known as pyrolysis. In closing remarks Nutrients PLUS announced expanding operations in Hawaii and growing international concerns. It was clearthe decade was productive and customers were the backbone to the mission.
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