Years of university research have proven fertilizers containing organic nutrients are as reliable or better than traditional fertilizer, but are not harmful to our
water supplies.





Home Lawn & Garden

Home Lawn & Garden



Sports Turf

Sports Turf


Features & Benefits

Fertilizer containing organic matter has tremendous benefits over synthetic fertilizers

Organic matter

  • Gently provides natural, slow release organic nutrients that feed plants gradually for a fast green up with lasting results
  • Contains natural substances that build stronger plants more resistant to drought, and
  • Adds energy to soils to aid superior nutrient uptake.

We Provide Better Water Quality!

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Clarus PRO Landscape Industry

Product Line / Products N-P-K / Slow Release N Organic Matter Additional Benefits Size
Titan For High Nitrogen (20-1-5) 30% srn 30% Organic Matter 2% S, 1% Fe 215 SGN
Screamin’ Green #1 Seller (16-2-3) 60% srn 40% Organic Matter 1% Ca, 4% S, 1% Fe 215 SGN
Screamin’ 8 Seed Starter (8-14-1) 40% srn 40% Organic Matter 2% Ca, 2% S, 1% Fe 215 SGN
Big “K” Matters For High Potash (7-2-12) 40% srn 40% Organic Matter 2% Ca, 5% S, 2% Fe 215 SGN
Whole Shebang Multi-Purpose (6-2-4) 40% srn 50% Organic Matter 5% Ca, 4% S, 1% Fe 215 SGN

Control Products Landscape Industry

Product Line / Products N-P-K / Slow Release N Organic Matter Additional Benefits Size
Screamin Knockout Weed & Feed (16-2-3) 40% srn 40% Organic Matter Trimec 215 SGN
Nutrients PLUS Pre-emergent for grassy weeds (16-2-3) 40% srn 40% Organic Matter Prodiamine 0.37% 215 SGN
Nutrients PLUS Pre-emergent for grassy weeds (16-2-3) 40% srn 40% Organic Matter Dithiopyr 0.13% 215 SGN

Clarus 100 Organic Biosolids & Poultry

Product Line / Products N-P-K / Slow Release N Organic Matter Additional Benefits Size
Nutrients PLUS From Nature Pure Process for lawns (4-4-2) 50% srn 60% Organic Matter 9% Ca, 0.5% Mg, 0.5% S 215 SGN
Nutrients PLUS From Nature Pure Process for greens (4-4-2) 50% srn 60% Organic Matter 9% Ca, 0.5% Mg, 0.5% S 100 SGN
Nature BioPure for lawns (5-4-0) 90% srn 50% Organic Matter 3% Ca, 1% Fe 215 SGN
Dynamic Duo (4-3-1) 70% srn 55% Organic Matter 5% Ca, 1% S, 1% Fe 215 SGN

Clarus Clarulene Golf & Fine Turf

Product Line / Products N-P-K / Slow Release N Organic Matter Additional Benefits Size
Screamin’ Ace 2:1 N:K Homogenous (10-2-5) 68% srn 50% Organic Matter 7% Ca, 2% S, 1% Fe, 0.6% Mg 0.5% Mn 100 SGN
Screamin’ Ace 2:1 N:K Homogenous (10-2-5) 68% srn 50% Organic Matter 7% Ca, 2% S, 1% Fe, 0.6% Mg 0.5% Mn 170 SGN
Double Eagle 1:1 N:K Homogenous (8-2-8) 30% srn 50% Organic Matter 6% Ca, 4% S, 1% Fe, 0.6% Mg, 0.5% Mn 100 SGN
Double Eagle 1:1 N:K Homogenous (8-2-8) 30% srn 50% Organic Matter 6% Ca, 4% S, 1% Fe, 0.6% Mg, 0.5% Mn 170 SGN
Field Favorite High-K Homogenous (7-2-12) 30% srn 50% Organic Matter 6% Ca, 4% S, 1% Fe, 0.6% Mg, 0.5% Mn 100 SGN
Field Favorite High-K Homogenous (7-2-12) 30% srn 50% Organic Matter 6% Ca, 4% S, 1% Fe, 0.6% Mg, 0.5% Mn 170 SGN

Clarus AGR

Product Line / Products N-P-K / Slow Release N Organic Matter Additional Benefits Size
Nutrients PLUS OMRI Listed Nature Pure for Ag (4-4-2) 50% srn 60% Organic Matter 9% Ca, 0.5% Mg, 0.5% S AG Size
Nutrients PLUS OMRI Listed Nature Pure for Ag (4-4-2) 50% srn 60% Organic Matter 9% Ca, 0.5% Mg, 0.5% S Fines
Nutrients PLUS Nature BioPure for Ag (5-4-0) 90% srn 50% Organic Matter 3% Ca, 1% Fe 215 SGN

Learn More About a Clarus Line

Clarus Pro


Clarus Clarulene

Golf & Fine Turf

Clarus 100% Natural fertilizer


Clarus AGR


Nutrient Plus