
Organic Nutrients Extends Results, For Weeks and Weeks

Organic Nutrients Extends Results, For Weeks and Weeks
  • Organic Nutrients for Healthier Plants
  • Organic Matter for More Vibrant Soils
  • Preserves America’s Waterways


Nutrients PLUS, based in Virginia Beach, VA, is unique to the fertilizer industry.

Since inception, Nutrients PLUS has led the fertilizer industry. It developed the NP Pathway to Solutions system making it the largest recycler of natural ingredients possessing valuable organic matter in blends with traditional fertilizers.

The revolutionary idea for curtailing chemical fertilizer use and improving water quality was borne out of a re-examination of the current supply chain being used to make and distribute fertilizers.

As a result, a whole new approach emerged for enhancing efficiency with organic nutrients. What Nutrients PLUS discovered is much more than another new line of fertilizer products. Nutrients PLUS discovered the NP Way and created the NP Pathway to Solutions!

Nutrient Plus technology


From the beginning, The NP Way regards its commitment to the highest quality standards possible as one of the company’s most important priorities and corporate responsibilities. For the integration of the organic component to the Clarus product line, Nutrients PLUS created and adheres to innovative methods and processes that the company implements at each phase of the supply chain- collectively known as Clarus Quality, or CQ.