
The Innovation Leader in Nutrient Management

Nutrients PLUS developed the NP Pathway to Solutions system making it the largest recycler of natural ingredients possessing valuable organic matter in blends with traditional fertilizers.

The revolutionary idea for curtailing chemical fertilizer use and improving water quality was borne out of a re-examination of the current fertilizer industry supply chain.

A whole new way emerged. Nutrients PLUS discovered the NP Way and created the NP Pathway to Solutions!

Innovation CLARUS
Nutrient Plus

Nutrients PLUS is the first company to:

  • Source natural ingredients for organic matter to enhance synthetic ingredients to perform together
  • Integrate organic matter ingredients into traditional supply chain
  • Formulate blends containing organic nutrients that are truly economical and effective to use
  • Create nutrient management programs based on two ingredients meeting “Exceptional Quality Standards”- poultry manure and biosolids
  • Prove its claims through university research and independent trials
  • Develop and maintain the only national platform for sourcing and producing fertilizers with natural ingredients
  • Achieve a waste stream neutral approach to nutrient management
  • Includes the invention of the most effective method for processing poultry manure into a viable and effective fertilizer
  • Includes the invention of methods for processing biosolids that meet and exceed exceptional quality
  • Develop and maintain the only national platform for sourcing, producing, marketing and distributing enhanced efficiency fertilizers with organic nutrients


Before Clarus Technology organic fertilizer use was carried out inefficiently and results achieved randomly- mostly without success. A lot of time was wasted testing these products; even what to name them preoccupied the industry – Organic? Organic-based? Natural? Natural-organic? What did it matter?

With Clarus Technology methods are used for converting millions of tons of organic nutrients, going to waste causing harm to the environment, into high performance Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers – a regulatory term requiring rigorous testing and research data normally reserved to man-made synthetics.

“With Clarus Technology a prescriptive system delivers results predictably and safely”

With a combination of techniques to learn how organic nutrients are embodied within any particular natural source, Nutrients PLUS can predict signature patterns of release. This led to Screamin’ Green’s development and success.

research clarus nutrients
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Nutrient Plus technology

The NP Platform

Before any nutrient management regulations, federal mandates, state laws or local ordinances had been passed Nutrients PLUS created methods for converting millions of tons of organic nutrients, going to waste causing harm to the environment, into high performance Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers.

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NP platform