Home > Clarus Products > Clarus 100 Organic Biosolids & Poultry
Clarus Pro


Clarus Clarulene

Golf & Fine Turf

Clarus 100% Natural fertilizer


Clarus AGR


Clarus 100 Products

– High In Organic Matter

Recovered From The Environment

Recovered From The Environment
ohio state

Natural Organic Source Evaluation on a Kentucky Bluegrass- Perennial Ryegrass Mixture
John R. Street and Renee M. Stewart Horticulture and Crop Science, Ohio State University

Nature Pure® A Quick Green That Lasts

A study demonstrated that only Nature Pure® provided the best color/quality ratings during the early weeks after treatment compared to Nature Safe® and Nutralene®. Additionally, Nature Pure® had the best residual ratings compared to urea.

Nature Pure® Poultry Manure

Nature Pure® Poultry Manure

Nature Bio Pure ® Biosolids

Nature Bio Pure ® Biosolids

Nature BioPure® A Boost To Soils And Plants

Nature BioPure

Made From The Pure Green Process
Nature Pure Naturally

Nature BioPure® A Boost To Soils And Plants

Biosolids have biologically active substances such as auxins, humic acids, vitamins and amino acids–all well documented to have favorable physiological effects on plant growth. Adding biosolids to soil for these valuable organic substances is known to make plants hardier with better heat and drought tolerance

virginia tech

Drought Assessment of Auxin-Boosted Biosolids. Zhang, Xunzhong, E.H. Ervin, G.K. Evanylo, K. Haering,

Organic nutrients recovered from the environment preserves America’s waterways and enhance efficiency by adding organic matter to soils

  • – Nature Pure (4-4-2) for lawns SGN 200
  • – Nature Pure (4-4-2 ) for golf greens SGN 100
  • – Nature BioPure (5-4-0) for lawns SGN 200
  • – Dynamic Duo (4-3-1) Nature Pure &  Nature BioPure SGN 200
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Nutrient Plus
Clarus Pro


Clarus Clarulene

Golf & Fine Turf

Clarus 100% Natural fertilizer


Clarus AGR
